Our biodynamic farming business is in Barchi, province of Pesaro-Urbino, the hills of le Marche are it’s natural flat, it has an extension of roughly 6 hectares, it is managed directly by Antonio with sporadic help from outside, today we produce vegetables, cereals, legumes in rotation on 3 hectares, olives on 1.5 hectares inside the farm itself and 3 hectares in a plot which we rent in Cartoceto.
All this was born from a dream that in 2008 was realized. Our family moved to le Marche with the necessity for a change, we wanted to develop the biodynamic method of farming, to set down a lifestyle that respected and was in tune with nature, to work in an ethical way and to educate our children in the ingenuity of the countryside. We were working in Milan as designers with great projects to fulfill in the future. In order not to remain with the unknown of what we would have been capable of doing, we abandoned the plans of a life in the city in order to dedicate ourselves to our good cause: biodynamic farming.
Other questions were stimulating us:
Will the children grow up to speak dialect instead of a “polished language”?
Instead of finding protection in the group, will they be exposed to judgement of those who live in a “different” way?
..here come those without bought snacks and with no TV, those whose car is full of soil…
Maybe they also, our children, will ask themselves why they don’t live in the city where the opportunities wait for you just around the corner..
Despite all this the dream was very beautiful and had already pushed us beyond the vision of the present, like when you finish a whole jar of jam without thinking about your appointment with the dietician on Monday morning.
So here we are, this choice has carried with it many other experiences and encounters that are in constant evolution, while our children learn dialect and also correct Italian, they can invite their friends to eat peas from the garden or assist in the birth of a baby goat, sometimes they help us wash the car in order to be able to see through the windows and they meet all the people who pass by in order to learn to take the opportunities that our life brings to us.

for further information, we recommend the following sources: